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飛舞威龍 - Blogger. 1107 到蘆鬚城村,前行到 " 神風洞 " ,據說是二戰時期,日軍將多艘快艇匿藏在洞內作襲撃盟軍用途 《威龍約在 40 多年前,與 " 毅征社 " (行山隊) 多位勇士冒險勇闖 " 南丫島張保仔洞 " (比長洲張保仔洞面積大很多) ,該洞有數層,陰深恐怖、驚險萬分,洞頂蝙蝠飛叫,當時 " 唔識死 .. 旅行團關注組 (短線旅行團) | New 新 #飛舞威龍 資深玩家專頁 (W49- ) Wilson Chan簡直係 #旅遊記 嘅金庸 .. New 新 #飛舞威龍 資深玩家專頁 (W49- ) Wilson Chan簡直係 #旅遊記 嘅金庸--公認文筆最厲害,教識我哋一班徒弟去旅行要開心:係要記住正面、美麗嘅嘢,不要比較及計較。 W50. H191.**[Wilson.. 飛舞威龍 | 我的綽號「飛舞威龍」是意會我喜歡跳社交舞、旅行、行山和游泳的活動。期望能和網友們分享旅途上的美景、見聞和感受。. 飛舞威龍 | 我的綽號「飛舞威龍」是意會我喜歡跳社交舞、旅行、行山和游泳的活動。 期望能和網友們分享旅途上的美景、見聞和感受。 飛舞威龍 ~ 我的綽號「飛舞威龍」是意會我喜歡跳社交舞、旅行、行山和游泳的活動。 期望能和網友們分享旅途上的美景、見聞和感受。 重新返回 Blogger 寫 blog 18 星期三 九月 2013 Posted by 飛舞威龍 in Uncategorized ≈ 4 則迴響 威龍剛在昨晚 (17/9) 轉到 wordpress寫 blog,但得到網友提醒才知道 wordpress 祇有3GB,比Blogger的15 GB (免費) 少很多,於是便改回用 Blogger 寫。 因此而引起網友們的不便,威龍在此致萬二分抱歉。 Blogger 網址:. 旅行團關注組 (短線旅行團) | #飛舞威龍 資深玩家專頁 (W1-48) - Wilson Chan簡直係 #旅遊記 嘅金庸--公認文筆 .. 🐲🐉#飛舞威龍🐉資深玩家專頁 (W1-48) - Wilson Chan簡直係 #旅遊記 嘅金庸--公認文筆最厲害,教識我哋一班徒弟去旅行要開心:係要記住正面、美麗嘅嘢,不要比較及計較。 他在本組的遊記相片不多,因為師父的專長係寫網誌Blog,喺各遊記裏面嘅留言欄會有佢嘅網誌連結。 .. ‪#‎飛舞威龍‬ - Explore - Facebook. explore #飛舞威龍 at Facebook


飛舞威龍 — 重開 Blog. 飛舞威龍 YC 兄,篁嶺古村的「曬秋」很有特色,村民把農作物放在屋頂曬,色彩繽紛;YC 兄相片的色彩和取景角度都有專業水準;見圖才知篁嶺古村也有壯麗、層次分明的梯田。 妴源源頭古村、長灘古村都很古樸、原始;鳯凰溝的茶園景色也不錯,資料說有紅葉的,可能當時還未到觀賞期。 總結這團的景色很精彩,很值一遊,可惜威龍錯失良機,沒有隨您們同遊,唯有等待明年! YC 兄,見相片桐子坳的銀杏葉也有一部份是金黃色,也很壯觀,可能再遲多數星期會全部金黃一片。 陽明山國家林林公園內戀人谷、幽靜林的景免很美艷、浪漫,可觀賞到金黃、滿地紅彤彤的金錢松林,相片拍得很美,每張都如 postcard/風景圖畫,也不枉此行! YC 兄,這篇 "壺口大瀑布、 平遙古城 5 天團" 遊記很精彩,描述詳盡,相片色彩、構圖精美。. 飛舞威龍 — 威龍兄,tumblr 只容許每個 blog 內有 10 幅相,你如何能發報多於 10 幅,請指教! 飛舞威龍. 威龍兄,tumblr 只容許每個 blog 內有 10 幅相,你如何能發報多於 10 幅,請指教! 陳兄,您映的想片拍得很美。 tumblr 的 blog 及相片是從 Yahoo 搬過來的,不知是否 tumblr 容許每次祇可上載 10 張相,剛才寫了一篇稿 (draft) 及加上數十張相 (我的相是從Google 相部 copy 過去的) ,save 後及 preview.. 飛舞威龍: 張家界 4 大天皇──天子山、袁家界、雲天渡玻璃橋、天門山、懸空玻璃棧道、世界上最長索道──天門山索道、通天大道,鳯凰古城、直航純 .. 飛舞威龍 2017年11月24日 星期五 張家界 4 大天皇──天子山、袁家界、雲天渡玻璃橋、天門山、懸空玻璃棧道、世界上最長索道──天門山索道、通天大道,鳯凰古城、直航純玩四天團 (Day3B 風凰古城) 遊畢天門山,在張家界市用完午膳後,1520 離開,啟程前往鳯凰古城。 旅遊車走張花高速 (張家界至花垣) ,接走湘西土家族苗族自治州高速,1725 到保靖服務區,1914 到鳯凰收費站出口。 1923 到 "鳯廷國際大酒店" ,首先到餐廳享用 "鳯凰苗家風味宴" ,菜色有:冬菇雞湯,紫菜蛋花湯、血鴨、羊蔥炒臘肉、冬瓜、油麥菜、豆腐、蔥花蝦皮、煎雞蛋、大白菜、辣椒炒肉片、饅頭等,豐富美味;鄰枱的團友很細食,每餐都食剩很多餸菜,我枱團友也不客氣,把鄰枱食剩的大量餸菜搬過來我枱享用。. Blogger: User Profile: 飛舞威龍 飛舞威龍

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. About me. Gender. Male 飛舞威龍. Introduction. 我的綽號「飛舞威龍」是意會我喜歡跳社交舞﹑旅行﹑行山和游泳等的活動。. 希望能和其他網友分享我的見聞和感受。.. 飛舞威龍 — 湛江特呈島、紅嘴鷗遊船、觀海長廊、(自由行) 湖光岩、南亞熱帶植物園、寸金橋三天團.. 飛舞威龍 flyingdragonblog Posts; Likes; Ask me anything; Archive; 湛江特呈島、紅嘴鷗遊船、觀海長廊、(自由行) 湖光岩、南亞熱帶植物園、寸金橋三天團 (D2B寸金橋公園 D3、金沙灣、霞山水產市場) 1510 到寸金橋公園,免門票。寸金橋座落在赤坎區西側,"寸金浩氣"是湛江 .. 飛舞威龍: 英德英西湯泉度假村、獨立溫泉池客房、英西峰林、彭家祠、包單車任踩,遊綠道、觀賞十里畫廊,浸溫泉、賞美景、嚐美食,抵玩超值兩天團 .. 飛舞威龍: 英德英西湯泉度假村、獨立溫泉池客房、英西峰林、彭家祠、包單車任踩,遊綠道、觀賞十里畫廊,浸溫泉、賞美景、嚐美食,抵玩超值兩天團 (Day1 小趙州橋、螺角山、彭家祠、英西湯泉度假村) 飛舞威龍 2016年12月20日 星期二 英德英西湯泉度假村、獨立溫泉池客房、英西峰林、彭家祠、包單車任踩,遊綠道、觀賞十里畫廊,浸溫泉、賞美景、嚐美食,抵玩超值兩天團 (Day1 小趙州橋、螺角山、彭家祠、英西湯泉度假村). 飛舞威龍. 威龍剛在昨晚 (17/9) 轉到 wordpress寫 blog,但得到網友提醒才知道 wordpress 祇有3GB,比Blogger的15 GB (免費) 少很多,於是便改回用 Blogger 寫。 因此而引起網友們的不便,威龍在此致萬二分抱歉。. 飛舞威龍: 乳源大峽谷、寶晶宮天宮玻璃橋、寶晶宮溶洞、亞婆田白水寨、麗宮果園木屋酒店、白水寨湯泉渡假酒店、純玩三天團 (D2 寶晶宮天宮玻璃橋 . 飛舞威龍. 可俯瞰1680畝天鵝湖畔,朦朧縹緲的雨霧雲海、翠綠蔥郁的北江峰林。 出電梯後前行小許到 "飛龍蹦極" (笨豬跳 Bungee jumping),門票 ¥238 ,跳臺延伸湖面99米,懸空高度88米,造型宏偉壯觀,俯視千畝湖面的天鵝湖。 蹦極主體呈朱紅色,橫臥于碧波綠水之上,在落日餘暉的照耀下,如巨龍淩空,使寶晶宮天鵝湖的懸空景色更加壯麗秀美。 威龍無膽玩 "笨豬跳" 做 "飛龍",唯有祇在 "飛龍蹦極"牌前拍照留念。 上行小許梯級到天宮玻璃橋入口,不需穿鞋套。 寶晶宮天宮玻璃橋一一世界最長喀斯特地貌湖景玻璃橋,橫跨在獅子山與天山兩座山峰,重巒疊嶂,依山傍水、山高水長,湖光山色,宏偉壯觀。. 飛舞威龍 — 福建廈門、鼓浪嶼、南普陀寺、金門島、得月樓、翟山坑道、莒光樓、中台兩岸四天巴士團 (Day 1 .. 福建廈門、鼓浪嶼、南普陀寺、金門島、得月樓、翟山坑道、莒光樓、中台兩岸四天巴士團 (Day 1 廈門集美學村) 2013 年 5 月16 日,星期四,參加關鍵旅遊主辦的【福建廈門、鼓浪嶼、南普陀寺、金門島、得月樓、翟山坑道、莒光樓、中台兩岸四天巴士團】,團費 $599 ,單人房附加費 $350、強制性保險 .. 飛舞威龍: 新豐雲髻山紅葉節賞紅葉,新豐江之源、江西龍南小武當山、大小一綫天、空中走廊、和平天上人間溫泉度假村三天團 (Day1 雲髻山、新豐) 飛舞威龍. 飛舞威龍: 新豐雲髻山紅葉節賞紅葉,新豐江之源、江西龍南小武當山、大小一綫天、空中走廊、和平天上人間溫泉度假村三天團 (Day1 雲髻山、新豐) 飛舞威龍 2014年12月22日 星期一 新豐雲髻山紅葉節賞紅葉,新豐江之源、江西龍南小武當山、大小一綫天、空中走廊、和平天上人間溫泉度假村三天團 (Day1 雲髻山、新豐) 2014 年 12 月 14 日,星期日,參加滙景旅遊主辦的【新豐雲髻山紅葉節賞紅葉,新豐江之源、江西龍南小武當山、大小一綫天、空中走廊、和平天上人間溫泉度假村三天團】,團費 $569 ,單人房差 $220 ,是滙景 "冬季觀紅葉、賞梅花系列" 其中一條抵玩超值線路。. 蔡明堂由李乾龍陪同登記立委選舉 高呼「三重人挺三重人」. 國民黨新北市第三區立委參選人蔡明堂今(23)日上午由前國民黨祕書長李乾龍、中常委陳汪全、議員黃桂蘭、王威元等競選幹部及多位里長陪同 .. 飛舞威龍 — 湛江特呈島、紅嘴鷗遊船、觀海長廊、(自由行) 湖光岩、南亞熱帶植物園、寸金橋三天團 (D2a.

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. 湛江特呈島、紅嘴鷗遊船、觀海長廊、(自由行) 湖光岩、南亞熱帶植物園、寸金橋三天團 (d2a 湖光岩、南亞熱帶植物園) 2013 年 7 月 27 日、星期六,0605 出外晨運,附近有小公園。沿酒店大路前行過馬路,0625 到北橋公園,公園沿河而建,景色優美。公園旁前行小許,0635 到東園市場,菜肉很新鮮 .. 西域威龍 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書. 各地片名. 中國大陸 飛舞威龍. 上海正午. 香港. 贖金之王. 臺灣. 西域威龍. 《西域威龍》 (英語: Shanghai Noon ), 2000年 好萊塢 喜劇 西部片 。. 此片是 成龍 進軍 好萊塢 作品之一,主角有成龍、 劉玉玲 及 歐文·威爾森 ,上映票房成績中上。.. 王牌威龍 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書. 王牌威龍 可以指:. 王牌威龍 (電影) :1994年電影, 金·凱瑞 主演。. 王牌威龍 (電視節目) : 華視 綜藝節目, 張菲 、 邰智源 、 黃安 主持,首播期間為1995年12月22日-1998年2月6日。. 王牌威龍:西部通緝令 (英語:Desperados: Wanted Dead or Alive) :2001年發行的 . 飛舞威龍. 漫畫威龍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书. 漫畫威龍 飛舞威龍. 臺灣. 摩登武聖. 《漫画威龙》 (英語: Fist of Fury 1991 II )是電影《 新精武門1991 》的續集,又名《 新精武門1992 》、《 摩登武聖 》,導演為 左頌昇 ,由 周星馳 、 蕭芳芳 、 鍾鎮濤 、 張敏 、 陳百祥 以及 元華 等人主演。. 飛舞威龍. 摩登武聖 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 飛舞威龍. 香港. 漫畫威龍 飛舞威龍. 臺灣. 摩登武聖. 《漫畫威龍》 (英語: Fist of Fury 1991 II )是電影《 新精武門1991 》的續集,又名《 新精武門1992 》、《 摩登武聖 》,導演為 左頌昇 ,由 周星馳 、 蕭芳芳 、 鍾鎮濤 、 張敏 、 陳百祥 以及 元華 等人主演。.. 密卡登 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书. 在1996年開始播出的《百變金剛》系列中, 密卡登 (Megatron) 這個名字屬於一個和G1時代不太相同的角色,在中文中翻譯為 恐龍王 ,儘管兩者的英文原文是一樣的。 飛舞威龍. 該名角色在設定上是密卡登的未來後裔,和其對手、柯博文 (Optimus Prime)的直系後裔金剛王一樣,他 . 飛舞威龍. 麻雀飛龍_百度百科. 麻雀飛龍. 《麻雀飛龍》是由 元奎 、 劉鎮偉 、 黎大煒 聯合執導, 趙文卓 、 蕭芳芳 主演的一部 動作片 。. 影片講述了嗜賭如命的香港女警秀鈿的故事。


中文名. 麻雀飛龍. 外文名 飛舞威龍. Ma qiao fei long. 製片地區

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. 中國 香港.. 飛舞威龍 - Tumblr 飛舞威龍. 飛舞威龍 YC 兄,篁嶺古村的「曬秋」很有特色,村民把農作物放在屋頂曬,色彩繽紛;YC 兄相片的色彩和取景角度都有專業水準;見圖才知篁嶺古村也有壯麗、層次分明的梯田。 妴源源頭古村、長灘古村都很古樸、原始;鳯凰溝的茶園景色也不錯,資料說有紅葉的,可能當時還未到觀賞期。 總結這團的景色很精彩,很值一遊,可惜威龍錯失良機,沒有隨您們同遊,唯有等待明年! YC 兄比我精明很多,可以找到「陸秀夫墓」,YC 兄好像沒有下水游泳? 味力之旅不時有佳作,搞一些抵玩、特色線路,也是我讚賞的旅行社! YC 兄,見相片桐子坳的銀杏葉也有一部份是金黃色,也很壯觀,可能再遲多數星期會全部金黃一片。. Wilson Chan - Facebook. Wilson Chan is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Wilson Chan and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected.. WiLson Chan - Facebook. WiLson Chan is on Facebook 飛舞威龍. Join Facebook to connect with WiLson Chan and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. 飛舞威龍. Wilson Chan - Facebook. Wilson Chan is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Wilson Chan and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected.. Wilson Chan - Facebook 飛舞威龍. Wilson Chan is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Wilson Chan and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. 飛舞威龍. Wilson Chan - Facebook. Wilson Chan is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Wilson Chan and others you may know 飛舞威龍. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected.. Wilson Chan - Facebook. Wilson Chan is on Facebook


Join Facebook to connect with Wilson Chan and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected.. Wilson Chan - Facebook

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. Wilson Chan is on Facebook 飛舞威龍. Join Facebook to connect with Wilson Chan and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected.. Wilson Chan - Facebook. Wilson Chan is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Wilson Chan and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected.. Wilson Chan - Facebook. Wilson Chan is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Wilson Chan and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected.. Wilson Chan - Facebook. Wilson Chan is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Wilson Chan and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected.. Wilson Chan - Facebook. Wilson Chan is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Wilson Chan and others you may know 飛舞威龍


Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected.. Wilson Chan - Facebook 飛舞威龍. Wilson Chan is on Facebook 飛舞威龍. Join Facebook to connect with Wilson Chan and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected.. Wilson Chan - Facebook 飛舞威龍. Wilson Chan is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Wilson Chan and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected.. Wilson Chan - Facebook. Wilson Chan is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Wilson Chan and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected.. Wilson Chan - Facebook. Wilson Chan is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Wilson Chan and others you may know 飛舞威龍. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected.. Wilson Chan - Facebook 飛舞威龍. Wilson Chan is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Wilson Chan and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected.. Wilson Chan - Facebook 飛舞威龍. Wilson Chan is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Wilson Chan and others you may know 飛舞威龍. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected.. Wilson Chan - Facebook 飛舞威龍. Wilson Chan is on Facebook 飛舞威龍. Join Facebook to connect with Wilson Chan and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected.. Wilson Chan - Facebook 飛舞威龍. Wilson Chan is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Wilson Chan and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected.. Wilson Chan - Facebook. Wilson Chan is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Wilson Chan and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected.. Wilson Chan - Facebook. Wilson Chan is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Wilson Chan and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. 飛舞威龍. Wilson Chan - Facebook. Wilson Chan is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Wilson Chan and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected.. Wilson Chan - Facebook 飛舞威龍. Wilson Chan is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Wilson Chan and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected.. Wilson Chan - Facebook. Wilson Chan is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Wilson Chan and others you may know 飛舞威龍. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected.. Wilson Chan - Facebook 飛舞威龍. Wilson Chan is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Wilson Chan and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected.. Wilson Chan - Facebook. Wilson Chan is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Wilson Chan and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected.. Wilson Chan Wilson Chan - Facebook 飛舞威龍. Wilson Chan Wilson Chan is on Facebook 飛舞威龍. Join Facebook to connect with Wilson Chan Wilson Chan and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and.. Wilson Chan - Facebook

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. Wilson Chan is on Facebook 飛舞威龍. Join Facebook to connect with Wilson Chan and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected.. Wilson Chan - Facebook 飛舞威龍. Wilson Chan is on Facebook 飛舞威龍. Join Facebook to connect with Wilson Chan and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected.. Wilson Chan - Facebook. Wilson Chan is on Facebook 飛舞威龍. Join Facebook to connect with Wilson Chan and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected.. Wilson Chan - Facebook. Wilson Chan Facebook वर आहे. Wilson Chan आणि इतर परिचितांच्या संपर्कात राहण्यासाठी .. Wilson Chan - Facebook. Wilson Chan is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Wilson Chan and others you may know

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. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected.. Wilson Chan - Facebook. Wilson Chan is on Facebook 飛舞威龍

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. Join Facebook to connect with Wilson Chan and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected.. Wilson Chan - Facebook. Wilson Chan is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Wilson Chan and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected.. Wilson Chan - Facebook. Wilson Chan is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Wilson Chan and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected.. Wilson Chan - Facebook. Wilson Chan is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Wilson Chan and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected.. Wilson Chan - Facebook. Wilson Chan is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Wilson Chan and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected.. Wilson Chan - Facebook

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. Wilson Chan is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Wilson Chan and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the.. Wilson Chan - Facebook 飛舞威龍. Wilson Chan is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Wilson Chan and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. 飛舞威龍. Wilson Chan - Facebook 飛舞威龍. Wilson Chan is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Wilson Chan and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. 飛舞威龍. Wilson Chan - Facebook. Wilson Chan is on Facebook 飛舞威龍. Join Facebook to connect with Wilson Chan and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected.. Wilson Chan - Facebook. Wilson Chan is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Wilson Chan and others you may know 飛舞威龍. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected.. Wilson Chan - Facebook. Wilson Chan is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Wilson Chan and others you may know

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. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. 飛舞威龍. Wilson Chan - Facebook 飛舞威龍. Wilson Chan is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Wilson Chan and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected.. Wilson Chan - Facebook 飛舞威龍. Wilson Chan is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Wilson Chan and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. 飛舞威龍. Wilson Chan - Facebook. Wilson Chan is on Facebook 飛舞威龍. Join Facebook to connect with Wilson Chan and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected.. Wilson Chan - Facebook 飛舞威龍. Wilson Chan is on Facebook 飛舞威龍. Join Facebook to connect with Wilson Chan and others you may know


Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected.. Wilson Chan - Facebook

. Wilson Chan is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Wilson Chan and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected.. Wilson Chan - Facebook. Wilson Chan is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Wilson Chan and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected.. Wilson Chan - Facebook. Wilson Chan is on Facebook. Join Facebook to connect with Wilson Chan and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected..